23 JULY 2021
40m/131' SILENTWORLD Sold!

Fraser is pleased to announce the sale of 40m/131' Astilleros M. Cies SILENTWORLD.

Fraser is pleased to announce the sale of 40M/131' Astilleros M. Cies SILENTWORLD, one of the largest yachts for sale in the Pacific region.
SILENTWORLD provides an unparalleled combination of luxury and adventure. A fine craftmanship motor yacht with spacious social areas, state-of-the-art sound system and six elegant staterooms accommodating 12 guests.
SILENTWORLD was sold by Fraser Australia brokers Peter Redford and Eugenio Cannarsa, who were representing the Seller, with Adam Blackmore from Fraser Hong Kong representing the Buyer.
For information on other yachts available for sale, click here.
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