Benetti Yachtmaster Sponsorship

Fraser is proud to sponsor the 24th edition of the Benetti Yachtmaster.

This annual event organised by the Azimut-Benetti Group will be held in Budapest from 21-23 February 2024, and in the Florida Keys from 28 February - 1 March 2024.
Fraser is pleased to actively support this unique, dynamic and interactive yacht management conference for Captains, crew, and industry professionals both within and outside the Benetti fleet. With a carefully built format based around learning, networking and enjoyment, the event is the perfect balance of professional education and entertainment.
Conferences, networking, team building and workshops offer the opportunity for Benetti senior management, top industry professionals and qualified Captains to exchange ideas and discuss the pressing issues of today's yachting operations and beyond.
Members of the Fraser Yacht Management and Charter Management teams will attend the events, and Fraser will also be involved in discussions on the lifestyle of yachting, the theme for this year.
Click here to find out more about Luxury & Industry Events attended by the Fraser Team