Tips for the safe operation of your yacht today... and tomorrow

With over 90 yachts and 1,000 crew under management, Fraser’s Yacht Management team of over 40 specialists have been fully focused on supporting  the Owners, Captains and crew of our managed yachts throughout the current situation and increasingly, in preparing crew and yachts for when restrictions are gradually lifted around the world.

Health and Safety is a primary part of Yacht Management support, and the teams within Fraser Yacht Management are exceptionally well versed on the best practice, procedures, protocols and regulations that cover it – including those for such exceptional circumstances as we see today with COVID-19.

Over the last few weeks some Captains and crew on yachts not managed by Fraser have reached out for help or guidance on some best practice and procedures.


To that end, Harald Van Exem (Director Yacht Services ), Andrea Angiolani (Manager Yacht Services Monaco), Maxime Bregeon (Manager Safety Department) and Peter Selivanoff (Manager Yacht Services Fort Lauderdale) have joined forces to compile the following at-a-glance guide to some of the basic recommendations for the safety and protection of your yacht and crew both during and after the current situation.


We hope you find this useful.


8 Top Tips for maintaining safe operations today

  • As appropriate, until further notice, crew movement (leave, rotation) should be postponed.

  • Visitors should only be permitted when essential for the operation of the ship.  

    A supply of masks and gloves should be available for issue at the base of the gangway for essential visitors that have not supplied their own.

  • Do not allow anyone to embark without a completed pre-boarding questionnaire, confirming they have been in good health for at least the past 14 days and have not been in contact with any person who has or may be suspected to have COVID-19.

  • Test the temperature of all persons boarding the vessel via a thermal, oral or tympanic temperature scanner. Persons with 100.4F/38C or higher should be denied boarding. Additionally, consider enhancing the medical monitoring of all persons on board by carrying out daily temperature checks.

  • Keep an accurate log of all events that may be relevant to the COVID-19 situation on board. Develop a written Outbreak Management Plan for COVID-19 on board your vessel.

  • Ensure all personnel on board understand the symptoms and practice preventive measures recommended by the World Health Organisation, including frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes and maintaining distance. 

  • Ensure you have the required stock of necessary products on  board, including hand sanitiser, masks and disinfectant.

  • Vessel cleaning and disinfection should be increased as per WHO, ICS, IMO and local authority recommendations. High-touch surfaces including counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and bedside tables should be cleaned every day.



8 Top Tips for staying safe after COVID-19

  • Avoid being stuck at the end of the line with surveys and maintenance. Keep close track of the available options to plan ahead of time.

  • Keep crew on standby, ready to join the yacht. This avoids losing time sourcing crew later, freeing you up to focus on having your yacht back in operation.

  • Continue to maintain the highest standards of hygiene on board to minimise any risk of potential infection.

  • Ensure that you have sufficient Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) available to warrant safe working practices.

  • Keep in place a sanitary procedure that takes place before the embarkation of any guests and their luggage.

  • Have a detailed plan of your itinerary and check in advance the updated requirements of any relevant ports, avoiding potential issues for the guests and crew.

  • Continue to check and test symptoms daily or weekly.

  • Monitor the ongoing health news around the areas of navigation, daily, weekly or periodically.

Some recommended reference sites

World Health Organization (WHO)

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

International Maritime Organization (IMO)



To find out more about Fraser Safety Management or any of the Yacht Management services offered by Fraser, see more HERE or contact us below.


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